Call for Papers


Call for papers, poster sessions, symposiums and roundtables

All abstracts for papers, poster sessions, symposium and round tables to be submitted by 1st of July 2017. Notification of acceptance will be by the end of July 2017. The deadline for submission of complete papers will be 30 September 2017.

Please submit abstracts in two separate files: one including the paper title, the name, address, e-mail of each author and information on whether it is a paper, poster session, symposium or round table; and the second one including the paper title and abstract. Abstracts should be one side of A4 maximum with Arial, 12 points. The main language of the conference is English but abstracts will be accepted in languages where we have members of the committee who can translate such as in French, Spanish and Italian. Full paper must be submitted in English. Regarding presentations English is requested as well but, if necessary, we will try to offer support for translation where conference organization allows it.

Please send your abstract in RTF-format to.


Information for contributors of Abstracts/Papers

A paper is proposed and submitted in the form of an abstract by one person but other people can be named as co-authors in the abstract proposal.

For each participant, a maximum of two such proposals may be submitted in which the person is named as an author or co-author.

The abstract proposal must indicate which of the named authors will be presenting the paper. All those authors attending must register for the ESREA 2013 Conference for Access, Learning Career and Identity.

The author or one of the named co-authors is responsible for communicating with the ESREA Conference Organisers about the paper.


Bursaries and support to participating graduate students

As a way to support graduate students’ participation in the conference, there will be three bursaries for this conference. To be able to apply, you needs to be a graduate student (e.g. PhD-student, EdD-student, Masters’ students); a member of ESREA (either individual or covered by an institutional membership) and you need to submit a paper to the main conference.

The bursary is 300 Euros per person and should be used to cover parts of the costs for travel expenditures and/or accommodation during the conference.

Applications should be submitted no later than August 1, 2017.

Applications or questions regarding the application procedure should be directed to Diana Holmqvist – ESREA


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